Lisa Biedlingmaier & Ulrika Jäger
Installation. Verschiedene Materialien
Ceaac, Strasbourg, 2019
Fotografie Lisa Biedlingmaier / Ulrika Jäger
If it is a human thing to do to put something you want, because it’s useful, edible, or beautiful, into a bag, or a basket, or a bit of rolled bark or leaf, or a net woven of your own hair, or what have you, and then take it home with you, home being another, larger kind of pouch or bag, a container for people, and then later on you take it out and eat it or share it or store it up for winter in a solider container or put it in the medicine bundle or the shrine or the museum, the holy place, the area that contains what is sacred, and then the next day you probably do much the same again – if to do that is human, if that’s what it takes, then I am a human being after all. Fully, freely, gladly, for the first time.
Ursula K. Le Guin, Dreams Must Explain Themselves, GOLLANCZ, 2018
Following Ursula Le Guin, and inspired by some of the chapters in the evolutionary tales of woman-the-gatherer, I want to engage in a carrier-bag practice of storytelling, in which the stories do not reveal secrets acquired by heroes pursuing luminous objects across and through the plot matrix oft he world. Bag-lady storytelling would instead proceed by putting unexpected partners and irreducible details into a frayed, porous carrier bag. Encouraging halting conversations, the encounter transmutes and reconstitutes all the partners and all the details. The stories do not have beginnings or ends ...
Donna J. Haraway, in: Material Feminisms, edited by Stacy Alamo, Susan Hekman, Indiana University Press, 2008